黄志宏牧师,1958年生於中国大连。一九七六年插队于新金县大田公社刘沟水库。一九七七年底参加文革后的第一次高考,成为“七七级”的一员,主修英文教育。先后任教于大连第四十中学,大连教育学院,美国Troy State University。曾于1992年被评选为“辽宁省优秀青年教师”。
黄牧师喜爱音乐,擅长文学,创作和译作颇多。其主创的电视连续剧曾在中央电视台播出并获得国家三等奖。来美后,其英文短篇小说“I Wish I Could Buy Yesterday”一举成为1997年阿拉巴马州英语协会举办的年度小说诗歌大赛的唯一获奖作品。其诗歌“Never Old to Me” 被美国 International Library of Poetry 收录进 The Best Poems and Poets of 2004之首,并于其网站收录了黄牧师的二首英文诗(http://www.poetry.com/claims/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&poet_keywords=Zhihong+Huang&commit=+++Search+Poets+++)。其蒙召见证登载于《海外校园》第三十六期。
黄牧师1993年于大连信主,1997年10月于阿拉巴马州受洗。1998年夏,被神“强征入伍”,先后就读于改革宗神学院, 基督工人神学院,台福神学院,中华归主神学院,旧金山神学院。黄牧师也因此而自谑为“seminary shopping”,因为神不放过他,让他多得操练。
黄牧师于2002年1月以台福神学院的神学生的身份至房角石教会实习。2003年7月,接受赵庆年牧师的邀请成为教会全职传道人。2004年1月,受 Arcadia Presbyterian Church按立为长老,并于2008年5月,通过美国长老教会全部考核,被按立为美国长老教会的首位新中国背景的华人牧师。黄牧师清楚蒙召,与神有过多次真实的“过招”角力,因此,虽多经忧患而心志未尝动摇。正如其创作的诗歌《永生福气》中所唱:“我虽历风险却不致遭害,纵经沉沦却依然能站起;虽然饱受苦难痴心终究不改,恩主领我赐永生福气。”
Rev. Bob Zhihong Huang was born in 1958 in Dalian, China. During the Cultural Revolution, he was down to the countryside to be “re-educated” for 2 years, but was so lucky that he was enrolled as one of the first college students after the Revolution. Since 1985, he began teaching in Dalian Education College, and was rewarded in 1992 as Excellent Young Teacher of Liaoning Province. In September 1997, he came to teach in English Department of Troy State University.
Bob loves literature, having composed thousands of poems, edited 18 books, composed a TV opera shown on CCTV in 1998, and is the first person that translated “Lord of the Rings” into Chinese. His highest achievement in English literature are the awards for his short story “I Wish I Could Buy Yesterday” in 1997 in Alabama and his poem “Never Old to Me” that is selected in Best Poems and Poets of 2004 by International Library of Poetry.
Bob has an amazing faith journey. He was converted in the summer of 1993 in Dalian, baptized in First Presbyterian Church in Troy, Alabama in October 1997. In August 1998, he answered the high call to follow Jesus, and started his equipment in the following 7 years in 5 seminaries, which he often teases this as “seminary shopping”. Though having experienced all sorts of hardship, he has never thought of giving up. In January 2002, he served as an intern in Capstone Chinese Church, where he began his full time service since July 2003. In May, 2008, after passing all the exams and being certified ready, he was ordained as the Minister of Word and Sacraments, the first one who is from People’s Republic of China.
Looking back and forward, Bob acknowledges that he does not deserve to serve the Lord. “It is of all His grace” he often says. In his business card, he declares: “I am a big sinner. The reason why Jesus Christ chose me is to reveal to the world how great His forgiving grace is, in order to save whoever believes in Him.”